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Updated: Nov 30, 2021

Dr Louise Delicato (Heriot Watt University): Principal Investigator

Prof. Josh P Davis (University of Greenwich): Co-Investigator

Claire Rogers: (Heriot Watt University): British Psychological Society Undergraduate Research Assistantship Award Winner

Project timeline: July 2021- September 2021

Super-recognisers are a small subset of the general population who have superior face recognition compared with others. We know this by how well they perform on a range of face processing tests (Davis, 2019). However, we are not exactly sure why they are so good compared with others.

We invited members of our Volunteer Participant Pool to contribute to the Chimes study in order to measure how easy it is for super-recognisers and others (with average face recognition) to detect identity and emotion in faces by presenting a series of faces and asking participants to make a decision (Delicato, 2020).

This will help us understand whether the advantage that super-recognisers have is mainly due to the identity of the face and / or the emotion conveyed by the face. This can help us develop improved screening tools to identify super-recognisers and gain advantage from their skills in workplaces such as the police (Davis, 2019; 2020). It will also help us strengthen existing models of human face processing that can be applied to affective computing and robot / human interaction.

Thanks to all of you who took part in the study, it’s greatly appreciated.

As we have completed data collection, we are pleased to let you know that there were five participants whose Anonymous Codes were drawn at random and will receive one of five £20 online shopping vouchers:






We are currently in the process of analysing the data and will post details on how you can access your data on the project website

For more information about the study please get in touch with Dr. Louise Delicato (


Davis, J. P. (2019). The worldwide impact of identifying super-recognisers in police and business. The Cognitive Psychology Bulletin; Journal of the British Psychological Society: Cognitive Section, 4, 17-22. ISSN: 2397-2653.

Davis, J. P. (2020). CCTV and the super-recognisers. In C. Stott, B. Bradford, M. Radburn, and L. Savigar-Shaw (Eds.), Making an Impact on Policing and Crime: Psychological Research, Policy and Practice (pp 34-67). London: Routledge. ISBN 9780815353577.

Delicato, L. S. (2020) A robust method for measuring an individual’s sensitivity to facial expressions. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics 82, 2924–2936



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