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Updated: Jul 15, 2021

School of Human Sciences

Institute of Lifecourse Development

University of Greenwich

London SE10 9LS

Twitter: @GRecognisers

Research: Recognition of Chimps

Research Team:

Dr Josh P Davis (Professor, University of Greenwich;

Dr Thusha Rajendran (Professor, School of Social Sciences, Psychology, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)

Dr Oisin Mac Aodha (Lecturer in Machine Learning, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh)

Dr Elena Belanova (Human Sciences Senior Technician: Psychology, University of Greenwich)

Research Assistant: Charlotte Lewis (Research Assistant, University of Greenwich)

We are interested in whether high levels of contact and interest in specific species or breeds of animal makes someone better at the recognition of faces of that species. Additionally, we are interested in whether individual differences in human face recognition ability transfers to the ability to recognise the faces and species of other animals.

If you are highly familiar with Chimps/Primates and would like to know whether you are better than your fellow enthusiasts at recognising your favourite animal then this is the test for you.

In this test you will be asked to recognise faces of chimps, faces of dogs, faces of humans, and species of bird.

Completion of the test guarantees you a £5 Amazon Voucher. (The test will take 1 hour to complete).

You will find the research here: -

If you such an enthusiast or know someone that is, please forward a link to this blog or ask them to email and let us know!



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